27 December, 2009

So This Is Christmas

Twas the week-end before Christmas and all through the house you could hear the 7 year old throwing up. What a great time to be sick. The start of the summer holidays, almost Christmas and she's puking her little guts out every 20 minutes. By Sunday afternoon at least that had stopped but she was completely wrung out and really feeling bad. It took her a few days to recover by which time, you guessed it, the 5 year old was throwing up. Every 20 minutes. She had been to a birthday party with some 30 other kids the day before, so I'm guessing some of them didn't have a super time either.
          My folks were supposed to be coming to see us Christmas Eve to see the kids and swap presents and have an early Christmas dinner, but with the Christi being sniffly and the girls vomiting, we had to call it off. My folks are not in the best of health and any chance of them getting a bad bug in their system has to be minimised. If they get sick they end up in hospital and I didn't want to be the cause of that. So Mum and Dad met me at work and we swapped there. Merry Christmas.
          Come Christmas morning the 7 year-old was pretty chipper, but the 5 year-old just lay around not really enjoying life much. By 10am I was starting to get achy and feeling queasy and Christi wasn't feeling much better. I didn't throw up but I had a good fever going. Christi puked, but not as bad as the girls, and then had the runs. That night was pretty damn uncomfortable. I just couldn't get the fever down. It wasn't dangerously high, but I was achy and hot-feeling. It's been 2 days now and it still isn't under control. I have to go back to work tomorrow and I'm really not feeling it. At least it shouldn't be that busy. It's still a holiday here.
          The only one to come through this whole episode unscathed(we think) is the baby. He had a mild temperature for about a day and that was it. Didn't seem to affect him any, really. Wish I could say the same for me.

Any way. Merry Christmas Everyone!

First and Foremost

Okay, I have an admission to make. This isn't my first attempt at a blog. I have started another before but I never managed to keep up with it. I have a little more time online now that I am working slightly more sociable hours and I would like to sort of keep a record of what happens in my life, without the need for a whole load of paper or a book or whatever.

So for all those (ha, ha) who don't know who I am:

My name is Hugh and I was born and live in New Zealand. I am married to Christi from Illinois, USA and we have 3 kids(2 Girls and 1 Boy) together. We live near Auckland, New Zealand, about 100 metres from a beach(yes, it is very nice).
I am currently working for a food wholesaler in the liquor department. I have been with this company for almost 4 years, mostly part-time. Up until August this year(2009) my main job was being a printer with a company in Central Auckland.
I hope to be able to do at least weekly updates to this blog, but my minimum self-requirement is monthly. We'll see how it goes.